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Partner with us! Together we can make a difference!
We need Brand Ambassadors who will avidly help us raise awareness of WASP and help us raise funding!
Currently we have embarked on the following projects: Monthly grocery parcels for the poor, extra tuition for underprivileged school children, collection & distribution of clothing to the poor.
The last Thursday of each month volunteers prepare a hot sit-down meal for the WASP Patrons.
Every December we go the extra mile by packing a 25 litre bucket with food and goodies which get distributed to over 400 families.
Certified nurses volunteer their time to check sugar levels, blood pressure and to educate the community
A monthly meeting is held for single parents in the community to support them through stresses and challenges.
Trained life coaches and counsellors serve the community in a platform to give an avenue to get direction or help from.
Support for Abused Women, Rehabilitated Addicts, and People infected & affected by HIV/AIDS.
Small Business Development, Empowerment Talks, Social Development Programs, and Youth Development Programs.
Our vision for this project is to provide a safe place for the children and employment for the women of the community.
In an effort to fund the many projects we run, WASP has embarked on some alternate mean to raise funds.
WASP has started to empower unemployed women in our community by teaching them a skill of bead work, sewing and selling.
This is a home established in an effort to give children a safe place to live and call a home.
Partner with us! Every bit counts - together we can make a difference! We need Brand Ambassadors who will avidly help us raise awareness of WASP and help us raise funding!
WASP Banking Details:
Bank: First National Bank
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Account Holder: W.A.S.P Community Services
Account Number: 6236 3598 594
Branch Code: 257705
18A Certificates are available upon request